Overall a pretty good game, but I want to talk about Phoebe's gameplay design for a moment.
Phoebe is a high damage character. Good, cool. The shot type is great at accomplishing that. She has a bigger hitbox. Given her powerful attack that's a fair enough tradeoff, though given the game's design it forces her to spam gas a lot more than other characters just to not automatically die at high sizes. That'd be fine if she had easy access to a lot of it, or some other method of crowd control that can actually protect her somewhat- but you just have to hope your blasting forward is enough to supply you on both fronts. Which- fair, Martha has a similar situation. But Martha's power up gives her a free full screen wipe/freeze whenever she finds it, with or without a full gas gauge.
Which gets me to my actual big problem- Phoebe's unique lactation powerup. I think the design is interesting, and the calorie-boosting and passive size gain are really fun... or they could be if they were on a different character. Phoebe does not like being very big for very long. She really gets shot really badly. The lactation powerup in theory can do this- but it also eats your entire weight gauge if it successfully resolves. Your prize? Near zero damage and calorie boosts. Calories you just spent getting the calorie boost instead of actually accomplishing anything. No floats for better DPS deeper in the run, no burst for an emergency screen clear, just some calorie boosters. All this tends to do is rush Phoebe past the low/low-middle weights where her strengths are strongest and propels her into the middle-high regime. This is neither a weight range where she's comfortable to play nor is it especially close to cashing in.
Plus due to how it works, her special finisher is
extremely hard to execute. The droplets don't deal a ton of damage to bosses
and it's not hard for the floaters to steal the
finishing hit from the basic lactation droplets.
The only significant way is to have a wall of
droplets on screen already from a prior cap-out. Oh, and using the regular lactation mode in a boss fight is practically
an instant loss vs Vanilla because there's no way
Phoebe is going to be able to fit through the gaps.
IMO she desperately needs some form of rework- I've had a lot of success with the other characters
in the game, and it's very fun
But as a BE and Lactation lover,
it's disappointing that there's been such an
oversight in "my character"'s gameplay design.
All the same, good game. Hope that this little rant isn't too much of an annoyance.
Also it looks like my formatting started to bug out, sorry, Itch did it.
I'll also post my high scores on the two main modes rq because why not. I don't really play Sally so I won't include her. I have tried to make Phoebe work more times than I've played Bella, fwiw
Because Itch apparently hates me, I'll have to type the scores out instead of providing screenshots
Full Course:
Phoebe: 357990
Martha: 840390
Bella: 522980
Phoebe: 689140
Martha: 862140
Bella: 798790
I just had a run in Mixed prior to posting this where I tried a lot harder to get value from her powerup to understand what I might be missing- but it still felt like 80% of the time I was fighting against the character.
I see... Thank you for your input! It's genuinely appreciated to see someone actually point out specific problems and offer criticism instead of going "Phoebe bad" or something. I'll try to think of something for the next BIG update...
Might be a stupid request, does anybody still has v1.101? I had it as a collection since I'm thinking an idea, but I accidentally deleted. Doesn't really matter though, just asking.
Can someone teach me to get Bella's special helper? If I have more than 100 GP%, she automatically farts, and if I reach max size before I reach 100 GP%, I only get the option to Burst or Float down. Am I supposed to reach max size and 100 GP% at the same time by eating the durian?
came across a weird bug. don't know how I did it, but I was playing a game as massive martha (meowscarada skin was on) and the beam she shoots was suddenly firing slightly to the left. didn't mess up my game, but I thought I'd mention it.
Finally, after so many attempts, i have each and every one of the achievements of this game. the truth is that it is very addictive and more difficult than a damn Dark souls. And also, what a good job on this Meowscarada skin.
Been playing since 1.004 (i think), and so far this is an excellently designed game that has tons of replay value that has had a lot of love put into it. Easy to pick up and play. So far ive gotten every achievement save for the stage 50 one.
i do have suggestions though.
-Powerup cakes' frequency should be generally increased.
-Life protection should probably be given to a separate powerup. Being Berried feels like it wants me to be aggressive due to the instantaneous access to max weight projectiles for short period, but during stage 20++ that becomes increasingly hard to do due to not only losing it as quick as i got it (making the x1.5 score meaningless), but just how scarce blueberry cakes seem to be - and thats not even counting ones missed because of the immense volley between me and the falling cake piece, which i cant get because im focused on keeping said volley off of me and thusly being ushered to conserve GP instead of chasing it. Being unable to eat while berried is just fuel on the fire.
So, i have two propositions:
While in the Berried state, the player would lose a life when struck by a projectile, but parries last a bit longer than normal, and projectiles deflected damage cakes and bosses should they connect. The player reverts to normal one using their last parry.
or if you wish for it to be more focused on defense and survival, The player has Life protection and reverts to normal on being struck, but does not acquire Near Immobile's projectile count, and instead temporarily gains +1 to their current size, can still eat and acquire Kcal, but not grow until un-Berried. However, excess cake eaten quickly charges GP and, when full, can be charged into a gaseous belch that spouts a handful of small bubbles that block projectiles, with the resounding burp pushing back cakes into horizontal lines if they are stacked vertically with no lower neighbor, giving the player some reaction time for the next volleys in higher stages.
Definitely a game worth playing and keeping an eye on, i hope this game continues going strong.
As most of the modes, fully inflated is the key to proceed further stages easier, like distant helpers or burst bang. But watch your weight mode is kinda different. You better not fully inflated.
1. Normal bullets can't kill you in this mode, it inflates you. Dangerous than cake pieces of course.
2. Boss fight: usually if you lose on most modes, you can't gain back. But in this mode, you lose, and you'll gain back inflated. So you better win. In addition, you can't lose the carbs which you gained during boss fight.
3. Fully inflated doesn't give you an ability. No distant helpers, no burst bang, nothing. But special ability like 'bubblegum' does 'do the trick'. Even to the boss. Unfortunately, 'fully inflated' related skills still lose life.
So, the best option is blueberry and antimatter. Or you could use 'molded' in someway to not eat usual cake pieces (Not recommended cause of the gas meter hard to parry).
P.S. Although I tell these information, try to find out and experience yourself to enjoy the game. For you and the developer. ^^
Are you going to finish fruit gal, it was a creative idea. Not saying this is bad and all, but it doesn't scratch the itch that I have. I would love to see Fruit Gal at least get one more new fruit soon. Even if you don't have the original project, you can give it a re-boot. Either way, keep up the good work!
Really been enjoying this game this so far, but I'm really lost on how to go about getting the special sizes for the characters other than Sally. I know with her you do it by eating the bosses from the bubblegum cake but given the bubblegum cake is exclusive to her, how do you trigger it for the other characters? Particularly with Martha I'd like to know. I know there's a charm in finding little secret mechanics like that but I think the game could benefit a lot from explaining that stuff a bit better, like the aforementioned special sizes and the alternate ways to defeat the bosses. Outside of that, the game has been phenomenal.
I believe you need to hit max size while having their powerups, and for Bella she also needs to be beyond 100GP. This is deceptively straightforward to do because all three have ways to fill themselves fast while they have their powerups
for Martha you need to press the burp button when the boss is low enough in health and the BP bar is not over 100%, for Bella same thing but using the BFB-9000 button, this should give you the achievment, for Phoebe I haven't had a chance to make it happen either it ends too soon or I lose to the boss.
....is there by any chance a possiblity that you'll be able to filter what bosses you want to show up?, no reason i'm just.... wondering, Totally not thinking about the spongecake boss, don't mind me.
I Wonder If Any Of The Other Cake Flavours Will Have A Boss Fight In The Future? Because There Are 2 Bosses Based On Other Cake Flavours (Jelly And Spongecake.) And 1 Boss That Is Based On A Cake Flavour That Gives You An Ability. (Blue Berry.) So, This Really Makes Me Wonder What Other Bosses Will Be In Store For The Future?
The recent updates were amazing, I really love how much they added to the game. All the new characters are really cute and the way the bosses are done now really makes them stand out.
The higher wave versions get pretty frantic to fight with how much faster they move in general on top of increased bullet count.
I do kinda wish though that the optional vore was a tad bit easier to obtain on an average run since you have to deal with the RNG of a bubblegum cake either spawning a wave before or after the boss AND not only build up a lot of gas for decent damage but not use your burps once after getting the gum so you don't waste it.
Love it, donated, and still trying to find a way to make it to round 50 in any of the modes, made it to 39 at best. If anybody has done it, I could use some insight and tips.
If I had to condense my advice into a couple tips, it would be to try to gain as much weight as possible as quickly as possible in the earlier rounds (up to ~20 or so) so you can get as many helpers as you can, then try to keep your weight low with antimatter cakes so you have a better chance at dodging bullets. If I were to recommend a character it would be either Sally or Bella as they have the tightest hitboxes and the best powerup cake-exclusive helpers. Good luck man!
Hey, 'm back. This update is cool. Too cool even, I've been actually struggling to put this game down for a while. I've seen pretty much everything there is to see at this point (other than the new cake because I just learned there was another update but I'll get to that soon and edit this comment new cake cool), so here's a couple of my thoughts:
Hunting for bosses so you can fill their alternate defeat methods list is kind of a chore. The best method I could find was playing Mixed Palate over and over, but that's about the extent of the optimization you can manage. Literally every other method you could use has a caveat which makes it unsuitable: Boss Buffet has no powerups, skipping to a round just before a challenge stage activates cheats and disables checklist progression, and starting from the beginning (with only 2 stages before the first challenge stage) only works if the boss you're missing is one of the original 3, since the others only spawn from the second boss onwards. And it really doesn't need to be this way; sure, having to hunt for that damn jelly bitch with Phoebe made my final triumph more satisfying, but it wasn't really worth all the frustration; if powerup cakes appeared in Boss Buffet in a similar way to the bonus blueberry and antimatter cakes from Main Course and Watch your Weight I think you'd have a good solution for this issue in your hands and it would make the first 50 or so stages of the mode more interesting.
I'm stumped on getting the alternate defeat method for Bella on Shifty Sponge. It looks like it goes through properly at first but then she just bloats up and explodes? I'm not sure if I'm missing something or if that's a glitch as all the other ones work like you'd expect. I could always go back and test more but the aforementioned issues make such an endeavor a bit more than I'd like to deal with.
Game softlocks if you get hit by a stray bullet after reaching a challenge stage, but before the boss actually appears. Should be easy to replicate with Martha and leaving a coconut cake alive high up in the screen before killing it. Turning on Deadly Bosses just makes the game behave a little weirdly before going back to normal play.
You can still clench with Bella while the game is paused. By doing this you can actually change between states without spending GP, which I felt should've been an option from the start but probably not like this lol.
That's pretty much it for me at the moment. Despite the previous paragraphs I actually still enjoyed the update a lot, and the new characters are very fun to play with (Martha not so much but it's alright). Jiggling Jelly is probably my favorite boss, even after my favorite exploit got patched (rip nevermind, if you pace yourself such that she dies between firing a glob and you eating said glob, you get to keep the weight - not sure if that's intended but if it is, that's a pretty clever way to balance the fight, kudos), and will probably continue to be unless/until a molded cake boss gets added 'cuz she's freaky and I like that. The Sally sprite revamp was also much appreciated. Overall I'm just really glad this game's still in development, keep up the good work.
And by the way, as for a place to put custom character spritesheets... there's the WeightGaming thread, maybe it could get spammy after a while but I think it's worth considering nonetheless. Personally I'm eyeing the bosses more but as there's no custom boss sprites feature yet I guess I'll just bide my time. Sorry for the long winded comment, tl;dr game good, found couple glitches.
Thank you so much for your words! Yeah, a couple of these must be bugs, haha... We've already begun development on V1.2, so they'll most likely be patched by then.
This is a very fun Galaga like game, the sprites are very cute and well done. Currently I'm having a problem with what size is the near impossible size. Other than that, very fun game
P.S. would appreciate if someone told me what the near impossible size is
I rlly loved this game that I wanted to make a custom sprite too, hopefully there's a disc server or somthing to share eachother's customs someday! (link in replies)
Ooh, I like this a lot... It would be nice to have a place where custom sprites are shared. We just currently don't have the energy to manage something like that.
I think someone shared theirs in here through a cloud service? But yea, I wish there was an easier way. I'm glad some of them are included in the base game files, I really like the Penelope sprites!
All I can say about this game is... It's SOOO GOOD! It's addicting just like balatro, it's so fun and it really HOT as well. When I play your first game long time ago I say "it's a good start, but I know you're going to cook something delicious" and you did! I'm really excited about this game in the future, and I hope your happy with this game cause me and other are really enjoying this game!
Just want to say, LOVE the update. Im trying my hand at sprite making to make the cakegirls playable because of the new ones and two idea for the next update: - the coconut girl could have multiple healthbars, though have a smaller health pool. The more you hit her (like the blueberry girl) the bigger she gets, except she blows up into other bullets that you'd have to dodge before officially winning. - the cheesecake girl could split off into different versions of herself, each one shooter bullets at the player.
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does anyone know how to get custom skins i am confused on how to get them
Overall a pretty good game, but I want to talk about Phoebe's gameplay design for a moment.
Phoebe is a high damage character. Good, cool. The shot type is great at accomplishing that. She has a bigger hitbox. Given her powerful attack that's a fair enough tradeoff, though given the game's design it forces her to spam gas a lot more than other characters just to not automatically die at high sizes. That'd be fine if she had easy access to a lot of it, or some other method of crowd control that can actually protect her somewhat- but you just have to hope your blasting forward is enough to supply you on both fronts. Which- fair, Martha has a similar situation. But Martha's power up gives her a free full screen wipe/freeze whenever she finds it, with or without a full gas gauge.
Which gets me to my actual big problem- Phoebe's unique lactation powerup. I think the design is interesting, and the calorie-boosting and passive size gain are really fun... or they could be if they were on a different character. Phoebe does not like being very big for very long. She really gets shot really badly. The lactation powerup in theory can do this- but it also eats your entire weight gauge if it successfully resolves. Your prize? Near zero damage and calorie boosts. Calories you just spent getting the calorie boost instead of actually accomplishing anything. No floats for better DPS deeper in the run, no burst for an emergency screen clear, just some calorie boosters. All this tends to do is rush Phoebe past the low/low-middle weights where her strengths are strongest and propels her into the middle-high regime. This is neither a weight range where she's comfortable to play nor is it especially close to cashing in.
Plus due to how it works, her special finisher is
extremely hard to execute. The droplets don't deal a ton of damage to bosses
and it's not hard for the floaters to steal the
finishing hit from the basic lactation droplets.
The only significant way is to have a wall of
droplets on screen already from a prior cap-out. Oh, and using the regular lactation mode in a boss fight is practically
an instant loss vs Vanilla because there's no way
Phoebe is going to be able to fit through the gaps.
IMO she desperately needs some form of rework- I've had a lot of success with the other characters
in the game, and it's very fun
But as a BE and Lactation lover,
it's disappointing that there's been such an
oversight in "my character"'s gameplay design.
All the same, good game. Hope that this little rant isn't too much of an annoyance.
Also it looks like my formatting started to bug out, sorry, Itch did it.
I'll also post my high scores on the two main modes rq because why not. I don't really play Sally so I won't include her. I have tried to make Phoebe work more times than I've played Bella, fwiw
Because Itch apparently hates me, I'll have to type the scores out instead of providing screenshots
Full Course:
Phoebe: 357990
Martha: 840390
Bella: 522980
Phoebe: 689140
Martha: 862140
Bella: 798790
I just had a run in Mixed prior to posting this where I tried a lot harder to get value from her powerup to understand what I might be missing- but it still felt like 80% of the time I was fighting against the character.
(Included mostly to prove I'm not just some noob with a skill issue, I've 100%'d the game lol)
I see... Thank you for your input! It's genuinely appreciated to see someone actually point out specific problems and offer criticism instead of going "Phoebe bad" or something. I'll try to think of something for the next BIG update...
Thanks for your consideration. c:
May i ask how to have Martha "kiss a boss" & have Bella "bloat a boss"? Thank you. ;)
Edit: Nevermind, i figured it out.
Might be a stupid request, does anybody still has v1.101? I had it as a collection since I'm thinking an idea, but I accidentally deleted. Doesn't really matter though, just asking.
Can someone teach me to get Bella's special helper? If I have more than 100 GP%, she automatically farts, and if I reach max size before I reach 100 GP%, I only get the option to Burst or Float down. Am I supposed to reach max size and 100 GP% at the same time by eating the durian?
clenching holds in farts
how do you get custom skins
Shit so good I downloaded and played it on my phone
came across a weird bug. don't know how I did it, but I was playing a game as massive martha (meowscarada skin was on) and the beam she shoots was suddenly firing slightly to the left. didn't mess up my game, but I thought I'd mention it.
Finally, after so many attempts, i have each and every one of the achievements of this game. the truth is that it is very addictive and more difficult than a damn Dark souls. And also, what a good job on this Meowscarada skin.
Congratz! and ty, im flattered that people are using it!<3
Been playing since 1.004 (i think), and so far this is an excellently designed game that has tons of replay value that has had a lot of love put into it. Easy to pick up and play. So far ive gotten every achievement save for the stage 50 one.
i do have suggestions though.
-Powerup cakes' frequency should be generally increased.
-Life protection should probably be given to a separate powerup. Being Berried feels like it wants me to be aggressive due to the instantaneous access to max weight projectiles for short period, but during stage 20++ that becomes increasingly hard to do due to not only losing it as quick as i got it (making the x1.5 score meaningless), but just how scarce blueberry cakes seem to be - and thats not even counting ones missed because of the immense volley between me and the falling cake piece, which i cant get because im focused on keeping said volley off of me and thusly being ushered to conserve GP instead of chasing it. Being unable to eat while berried is just fuel on the fire.
So, i have two propositions:
While in the Berried state, the player would lose a life when struck by a projectile, but parries last a bit longer than normal, and projectiles deflected damage cakes and bosses should they connect. The player reverts to normal one using their last parry.
or if you wish for it to be more focused on defense and survival, The player has Life protection and reverts to normal on being struck, but does not acquire Near Immobile's projectile count, and instead temporarily gains +1 to their current size, can still eat and acquire Kcal, but not grow until un-Berried. However, excess cake eaten quickly charges GP and, when full, can be charged into a gaseous belch that spouts a handful of small bubbles that block projectiles, with the resounding burp pushing back cakes into horizontal lines if they are stacked vertically with no lower neighbor, giving the player some reaction time for the next volleys in higher stages.
Definitely a game worth playing and keeping an eye on, i hope this game continues going strong.
What does watch your weight mode actually do? I can’t seem to notice any differences.
If you inflated too much, you'll lose a life.
As most of the modes, fully inflated is the key to proceed further stages easier, like distant helpers or burst bang. But watch your weight mode is kinda different. You better not fully inflated.
Additional information here. 'Spoilers though'
1. Normal bullets can't kill you in this mode, it inflates you. Dangerous than cake pieces of course.
2. Boss fight: usually if you lose on most modes, you can't gain back. But in this mode, you lose, and you'll gain back inflated. So you better win. In addition, you can't lose the carbs which you gained during boss fight.
3. Fully inflated doesn't give you an ability. No distant helpers, no burst bang, nothing. But special ability like 'bubblegum' does 'do the trick'. Even to the boss. Unfortunately, 'fully inflated' related skills still lose life.
So, the best option is blueberry and antimatter. Or you could use 'molded' in someway to not eat usual cake pieces (Not recommended cause of the gas meter hard to parry).
P.S. Although I tell these information, try to find out and experience yourself to enjoy the game. For you and the developer. ^^
Virus detected in latest downlaod file.
Also, how can You "eat" a boss?
To eat a boss you have to get the Bubblegum power-up as Sally, and have full gas so you can charge the gum attack and kill the boss using it.
Are you going to finish fruit gal, it was a creative idea. Not saying this is bad and all, but it doesn't scratch the itch that I have. I would love to see Fruit Gal at least get one more new fruit soon. Even if you don't have the original project, you can give it a re-boot. Either way, keep up the good work!
Really been enjoying this game this so far, but I'm really lost on how to go about getting the special sizes for the characters other than Sally. I know with her you do it by eating the bosses from the bubblegum cake but given the bubblegum cake is exclusive to her, how do you trigger it for the other characters? Particularly with Martha I'd like to know. I know there's a charm in finding little secret mechanics like that but I think the game could benefit a lot from explaining that stuff a bit better, like the aforementioned special sizes and the alternate ways to defeat the bosses. Outside of that, the game has been phenomenal.
I believe you need to hit max size while having their powerups, and for Bella she also needs to be beyond 100GP. This is deceptively straightforward to do because all three have ways to fill themselves fast while they have their powerups
for Martha you need to press the burp button when the boss is low enough in health and the BP bar is not over 100%, for Bella same thing but using the BFB-9000 button, this should give you the achievment, for Phoebe I haven't had a chance to make it happen either it ends too soon or I lose to the boss.
Sorry for the inconvenience but how do I use vore on the bosses?
A whole lot of rng. First you need to be lucky to get the bubblegum item. Then when you have full charge, activate it thru x/down arrow.
This game is pretty good. Wish i knew how to get phoebe's optional nudity though.
Look at the Hitbox visibility settings in the Options menu.
Thank you.
it's always exciting to see a game like this but of this quality? truly impressive stuff yall are doing here.
ok what do i need to do to get the character specific achievements, ive done all i can think of but i dont know how to progress
....is there by any chance a possiblity that you'll be able to filter what bosses you want to show up?, no reason i'm just.... wondering, Totally not thinking about the spongecake boss, don't mind me.
why in my version game custom sprites doesnt work
I Wonder If Any Of The Other Cake Flavours Will Have A Boss Fight In The Future? Because There Are 2 Bosses Based On Other Cake Flavours (Jelly And Spongecake.) And 1 Boss That Is Based On A Cake Flavour That Gives You An Ability. (Blue Berry.) So, This Really Makes Me Wonder What Other Bosses Will Be In Store For The Future?
The recent updates were amazing, I really love how much they added to the game. All the new characters are really cute and the way the bosses are done now really makes them stand out.
The higher wave versions get pretty frantic to fight with how much faster they move in general on top of increased bullet count.
I do kinda wish though that the optional vore was a tad bit easier to obtain on an average run since you have to deal with the RNG of a bubblegum cake either spawning a wave before or after the boss AND not only build up a lot of gas for decent damage but not use your burps once after getting the gum so you don't waste it.
Love it, donated, and still trying to find a way to make it to round 50 in any of the modes, made it to 39 at best. If anybody has done it, I could use some insight and tips.
If I had to condense my advice into a couple tips, it would be to try to gain as much weight as possible as quickly as possible in the earlier rounds (up to ~20 or so) so you can get as many helpers as you can, then try to keep your weight low with antimatter cakes so you have a better chance at dodging bullets. If I were to recommend a character it would be either Sally or Bella as they have the tightest hitboxes and the best powerup cake-exclusive helpers. Good luck man!
Hey, 'm back. This update is cool. Too cool even, I've been actually struggling to put this game down for a while. I've seen pretty much everything there is to see at this point (
other than the new cake because I just learned there was another update but I'll get to that soon and edit this commentnew cake cool), so here's a couple of my thoughts:That's pretty much it for me at the moment. Despite the previous paragraphs I actually still enjoyed the update a lot, and the new characters are very fun to play with (Martha not so much but it's alright). Jiggling Jelly is probably my favorite boss, even after my favorite exploit got patched (
ripnevermind, if you pace yourself such that she dies between firing a glob and you eating said glob, you get to keep the weight - not sure if that's intended but if it is, that's a pretty clever way to balance the fight, kudos), and will probably continue to be unless/until a molded cake boss gets added 'cuz she's freaky and I like that. The Sally sprite revamp was also much appreciated. Overall I'm just really glad this game's still in development, keep up the good work.And by the way, as for a place to put custom character spritesheets... there's the WeightGaming thread, maybe it could get spammy after a while but I think it's worth considering nonetheless. Personally I'm eyeing the bosses more but as there's no custom boss sprites feature yet I guess I'll just bide my time. Sorry for the long winded comment, tl;dr game good, found couple glitches.
Thank you so much for your words! Yeah, a couple of these must be bugs, haha... We've already begun development on V1.2, so they'll most likely be patched by then.
This is a very fun Galaga like game, the sprites are very cute and well done. Currently I'm having a problem with what size is the near impossible size. Other than that, very fun game
P.S. would appreciate if someone told me what the near impossible size is
I rlly loved this game that I wanted to make a custom sprite too, hopefully there's a disc server or somthing to share eachother's customs someday! (link in replies)
impressive custom character dude !
Ooh, I like this a lot... It would be nice to have a place where custom sprites are shared. We just currently don't have the energy to manage something like that.
I think someone shared theirs in here through a cloud service? But yea, I wish there was an easier way. I'm glad some of them are included in the base game files, I really like the Penelope sprites!
if u use mediafire, u can upload a zip and post the link here!
You could use Mega too, uploading to Mega and sharing the zip folder with the sharing link.
Alright I think I figured it! here is the folder
Are there any plans for a mobile port? With how simple the controls are, i don't think it would be too difficult.
It's something we'd like to do. We're still figuring things out.
All I can say about this game is... It's SOOO GOOD! It's addicting just like balatro, it's so fun and it really HOT as well. When I play your first game long time ago I say "it's a good start, but I know you're going to cook something delicious" and you did! I'm really excited about this game in the future, and I hope your happy with this game cause me and other are really enjoying this game!
A lot of love has gone into this game! It seems like it's balanced so that you don't want to pick up items? It's hard to beat having a slender hitbox.
I just realized that this is a take on Galaga's double-ship system, the way it makes you wider.
Just want to say, LOVE the update. Im trying my hand at sprite making to make the cakegirls playable because of the new ones and two idea for the next update:
- the coconut girl could have multiple healthbars, though have a smaller health pool. The more you hit her (like the blueberry girl) the bigger she gets, except she blows up into other bullets that you'd have to dodge before officially winning.
- the cheesecake girl could split off into different versions of herself, each one shooter bullets at the player.
Ok, im probably not going to make the blueberry girl reskin, figuring out im just not good at digital ar